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Parking Industry Disaster Recovery Fund

Learn more about NPA's foundation, the Parking Industry Institute.

About the Charitable Grant Award Program

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NPA’s foundation The Parking Industry Institute helped parking professionals and their immediate family recover from the impact of hurricanes from the fall of 2017. Through an outpouring of generosity parking professionals pledged their support to grants from $500 up to $10,000.

We are a parking industry family. We understand that the disruption to homes, income, transportation and child care last long after the storm has passed. Through NPA’s charity, the Parking Industry Institute, the parking industry stepped forward to help bridge storm recovery for parking professionals and their families.

Members of the National Parking Association pledged funds to support charitable grants to aid industry employees and family members suffering the loss of home, jobs, moving expenses and child care expenses resulting from the disaster.

The charitable fund awarded 3 grants for catastrophic loss, with the remaining grant funds awarded for loss and damage ranging from $500-10,000.

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